Village of Delanson, NY | Incorporated in 1920

Incorporated in 1920

Village News

Photo by Howard Ohlhous


Village Board Meeting has been moved to Monday, April 7th, 2025


No Open Burning in the Village of Delanson from March 15th to May 31st.

It is also prohibited at all times to burn garbage, trash, leaves, yard waste, or yard debris in Delanson.  Burn barrels or free standing fires are also completely prohibited in the Village all all times. 


Water Service Line Inventory

As part of the EPA’s newly revised lead and copper rule, every water utility across the country is required to inventory all of its water service lines, both public and private. We need your help in complying with this mandate. We ask that each residence determine the materials of their water service line and submit photos to the Village to keep track of the inventory. This data can then be provided to the EPA per their requirements.
We have created a page on this website with INSTRUCTIONS for how to determine the material of your water service line. Once you have gone through the step by step instructions, you can then SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION AND PHOTOS to the Village using the form provided on this website.  It’s all very fast and easy. 

If you do not feel comfortable submitting information online, please contact the office at 518-895-2199 and we can mail a physical form out for your use.  Additionally, if would rather have the Water Commissioner come out and do this assessment for you, please contact the office at 518-895-2799 and we can work with you to schedule a time for that visit.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in getting this inventory done; we appreciate it.


Congratulations, Donna and Larry O’Connor!

Donna and Lawrence O’Connor were recognized for their restoration of 1696 Main Street in the Village of Delanson. The “Jenkins House” was built in 1876 for the stationmaster of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. This grand Victorian home has survived fire, and in 1964, the widening of Delanson’s main thoroughfare, which drastically changed the village forever.


The Village Needs You!!

The Delanson Fire Department, the Village Zoning Board and the Duanesburg Volunteer Ambulance Corp (DVAC) all need volunteers!
Please call the Fire Department Chief, Kevin Morrison at 518-657-9273 to discuss becoming a member.

Please contact DVAC (Duanesburg Volunteer Ambulance Corp) at 518-895-2200 about volunteering.
AND please welcome our neighbor, Dana Mesick, to the team of folks working together for our community!


Newsletter Subscription

You can now go paperless and sign up here online to receive the Village Newsletter via email. This is a FREE service and you can always unsubscribe at anytime by contacting the Village Clerk and requesting your name be removed from the Newsletter Email Mailing list. Simply  CLICK HERE to sign up.


Email Notification System

The Village of Delanson has initiated this Email Notification system so residents can be notified by email immediately of important information or any emergency situation that has developed in the Village.  Examples would be water main breaks, water main repairs, hydrant flushing, sudden changes in Village services such as garbage pickup or snow plowing, flooding, road closings, damaged roads etc..  Emails will not be sent for normal news items, notices or scheduled events. In addition, updates will be emailed to keep residents informed of the ongoing circumstances as new information is received by the Village until the event or emergency is over. There is no cost for this service.

On the left sidebar of this page,  simply fill in your Name and Email address in the appropriate boxes then check all the boxes that apply as to whether you live in or outside the Village and whether you are on the Village Water System.   Click the SUBSCRIBE button and you’re done.  You will receive an email asking you to confirm your decision to receive these bulletins.  Once we receive your confirmation, you will be added to our mailing list to receive theses notices.  That’s it!  Please do not send an email to the village clerk as this will not add your name to the notification list.

Your privacy is important to us. Your email address will not be shared, sold or used in any other capacity and you may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link on any email you receive. We hope this feature will not only help keep our residents well informed but safer during emergency situations.


  • Upcoming Events (Click to see Events Calendar)

    • March 18, 2025 – Village Election
      12:00 pm - 9:00 pm .
    • April 6, 2025 – Pancake Breakfast
      8:00 am - 11:00 am .
    • April 7, 2025 – Village Board Organizational Meeting
      6:30 pm - .
    • April 7, 2025 – Board Meeting
      7:00 pm - 9:00 pm .
    • April 20, 2025 – Easter
      - .
  • Next Hydrant Flushing Date


  • Garbage Pickup

    No Delays - Normal pickup schedule.

    Garbage pickup is provided by Twin Bridges Waste & Recycling every Wednesday unless it falls on a holiday. If pickup day falls on a holiday, garbage pickup will be delayed one day that week.
    Please have your garbage placed by the curb by 6:00 AM.
    If you have any questions, please contact Twin Bridges at 518-355-6615 or click this link for further information. TWIN BRIDGES.
    Thank you.

  • Emergency Email Notification

    Please enter your Name & Email Address then check ALL the boxes that apply and click 'Subscribe'


  • Member of NYCOM