Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I call if trains are idling excessively in the Village?
It is prohibited by Local Law 2-1990 for trains to idle within the Village limits for more than 30 minutes. Complaints of trains idling for prolonged periods of time should be directed to the Norfork Southern Railway. For a thorough investigation of the incident, the following facts must be presented at the time of the complaint.
- Date the train was idling in the Village.
- Time of day the train came into Village and left the Village if you know it. Otherwise, length of time you observed the train idling in Village
- Nearest Crossing Location –
- Main street # 250195D, Cole Road # 250074F
The phone number for idling trains is 1-800-453-2530
FORMAL COMPLAINTS – Superintendents Office – 1-717-541-2100 or 2200
You can also call this emergency number for trains blocking the road, people climbing on the train, ATV activity on the access road…(and there is lots of that lately!) etc. Calling the State Police will trigger a call to Norfork Southern Emergency as well.. and State Police may be able to respond faster in certain situations.
Keep a list of all the dates and times you have called to complain about the train. This information can then be gathered by Mayor Gifford and sent to Federal & State agencies that may assist us in prohibiting the trains from idling in the Village.
Am I allowed to open burn in the Village?
According to Local Law# 1-2006, all open burning is prohibited in the Village from March 16th to May 31st. But common sense should dictate that open burning is extremely dangerous during periods of hot dry weather and should not be attempted.

It is prohibited at all times to burn garbage, trash, leaves, yard waste, yard debris, chemically treated wood such as pressure-treated lumber, plywood or painted wood in Delanson. Burning household trash releases dangerous compounds including arsenic, carbon monoxide, benzene, polystyrene, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide and dioxin, among others. Burn barrels or free standing fires are also completely prohibited in the Village.
- The emissions of an open fire may not interfere with the reasonable enjoyment or quality of life or property or create a smoke or odor nuisance to a neighboring property.
- Open fires must be a safe distance from any structure, building, property line or trees, brush or shrubs.
- Open fires may be fueled only by paper, paper products (such as cardboard), unadulterated wood, clean lumber and charcoal. The burning of chemically treated wood such as pressure-treated lumber and plywood or painted wood is is a serious health hazard and is strictly prohibited.
Open burning is the single greatest cause of wildfires in New York. Dry conditions combined with the close proximity of homes in the Village makes open burning extremely dangerous and smoke from open fires can be overbearing and unhealthy for neighbors, especially those with lung disorders. Please be smart and considerate of your neighbors and the law. DON’T WE ALL WANT CLEAN AIR?
If you do open burn, all fires must be attended to by an adult and fully extinguished before you leave the area.
Who do I report an illegal or nuisance open fire to?
To report an illegal open fire or a nuisance fire, you can call the DEC hotline at 1-844-332-3267 or the Fire Chief at 518-657-9273 . The fire department has the authority to extinguish or order extinguished any open fire being conducted in violation of any provision of the our local Open Burn Law.
10 Things You Should Never Burn in a Backyard Fire Pit
- Anything Plastic – When burned, plastic releases toxic chemical fumes (like dioxins, furans and styrene gas) into the air that are really bad for you and the environment. Recycle instead
- Accelerants – Accelerants can be unpredictable and can cause a fire to explode in size and spread beyond the safe zone of the fire pit. Very dangerous to use within the village.
- Magazines, Junk Mail, Printed paper – the ink printed on the paper releases toxic fumes when burned. Recycle instead
- Wooden Pallets – wood pallets are treated with a chemical called methyl bromide (labeled with the initials MB), which are released when the wood burns.
- Particle Board – Particleboard is held together by high-strength adhesives that are not safe to burn because they emit toxic gases.
- Painted Wood – Especially very old wood, you could be burning lead based paint, which would be very toxic!
- Cardboard – According to the USDA Forest Service, cardboard also releases chemicals into the air from the ink printed on the boxes.
- Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac and yard debris. Burning yard debris causes a lot of smoke and burning poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac causes the irritant oil in the plants, called urushiol, to be released into the air. This can cause a major lung irritation and severe allergic respiratory problems which may require hospitalization.
- Green or soft wood – Burning green or softwoods (pine, fire, cypress) can cause a lot of smoke that will smoke out your neighbors and will ruin the campfire experience.
- Trash – According to the EPA, trash is the worst thing to burn. The burning of trash releases toxins into the air and produces a lot of smoke.
Who do I call if I don’t have water?
If you have no water or very low water pressure, please confirm that other residents in your area are also affected before reporting the issue to the water department.
A simple phone call or text to your neighbor to find out if they have water would be helpful. You can report your situation to the Water Commissioner, Jeff Iveson or Mayor Gifford at 518-895-2257.
When & How is Garbage picked up in the Village?
Garbage is normally picked up every Wednesday at 6:30 AM Twin Bridges Waste & Recycling and they can be reached at (518) 267-3400.
Garbage is pickup up by- Garbage will be picked up every Wednesday.
When is the Village Clerk’s office open?
Unfortunately, office hours are by appointment only. Please call the Clerk at 518-895-2199 and leave a message. You can also contact the Clerk by CLICKING HERE
What is the weather like in Delanson?
Average high – low temperatures and rain precipitation for Delanson.
Rain: averages 36 inches of rain a year
Snow: averages 70 inches of snow a year.
Delanson’s 2025 Weather History
Delanson’s 2024 Weather History
Delanson’s 2023 Weather History
Delanson’s 2022 Weather History
Delanson’s 2021 Weather History
Delanson’s 2020 Weather History
Delanson’s 2019 Weather History